Jocelyn Star Feather

The Magic & Mystery of Ancient Egypt - And Why This Knowledge is Important for Us Today

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Jocelyn Star Feather is a Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Astrologer, & Founder of Sacred Planet. She shares shamanic and ancient wisdom to guide courageous seekers in co-creating a revolutionary new world in alignment with Mother Earth and the vast intelligence of the Cosmos.

After a successful 15-year corporate career working in finance for major multinational companies, Jocelyn was thrust into a deep spiritual awakening. It was that awakening that turned her life upside-down ... And from which she emerged with a powerful understanding of how to use her intuition and healing abilities ~ Aspects of herself that she’d never had access to before. She dove deeply into earth-based & shamanic practices, and she has studied alongside elders and wisdomkeepers ever since. She has extensively studied ancient civilizations, especially cultures where the Goddess held a strong presence; and she has spent profound & life-changing time in the ancient temples and pyramids of Egypt.

Jocelyn blends alchemy, astrology, Hermeticism, ancient & indigenous wisdom, and a magical shamanic perspective to coach & guide visionary entrepreneurs, revolutionaries and change makers all around the world.

You can learn more about Jocelyn's work on her website ( and the Sacred Planet YouTube channel.

Jocelyn’s Free Gift To You

Awaken Your Connection with Ancient Egypt:
Find Your Power in the Magic of Long Ago

A fascinating video workshop about ancient Egypt, in which you will learn & experience:

  • The role of the Goddess Ma'at — Upholding Natural Order and Cosmic Law

  • The mysteries of Osiris, the profound understandings that ancient Egyptians had about the nature of Life and Death, and what this means for us today

  • The true function of the temples and pyramids of ancient Egypt

  • What we can learn from the ancient Egyptian ritual practices, and how to bring this level of devotion and intention into your own life

  • A profound shamanic journey to remember your lifetime(s) in ancient Egypt and tap into the knowledge & perception of reality that you had at that time

Click here to claim this free gift!