John Sandbach

A Psychic Approach to Astrology Using Degree Symbols

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John Sandbach was born in San Fransisco in 1948. He is a professional astrologer and metaphysician who specializes in psychic counseling. He has written a book on the Tarot called Soul Journey Through the Tarot, which has been published by Inner Traditions. He is the author of The Circular Temple, which is a two-volume book about degree astrology, and is a specialist in that study.

John channeled the Chandra Syubols, a set of degree images now used the world over to interpret astrology charts. He also uses flower essence therapy extensively in his work, has written six novels, has published haiku in Japan as well as several books of haiku, and is a painter.

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The Omega Oracles

360 prose poems corresponding to the 360 degrees of the zodiac.

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